Patients have this afternoon January 15,2025 stormed Cabinet Secretary for Health Deborah Barasa’s press brief claiming a number of people are strained at Kenyatta National Hospital over Social Health Authority system hitches.
With over 17.5 million Kenyans now registered under the Social Health Authority (SHA), service delivery still had proven to be a big challenge with patients claiming no treatment had been offered to them.
Diana, a young mum who had undergone Caesarian Section two weeks ago and later developed complications hence needed treatment said that the hospital claimed that SHA system has failed hence no treatment.
“I came to Kenyatta again after 2 weeks from CS operation which I later developed complications, but I am being told nothing is going to happen unless SHA gets approved,” she said.
The young mum narrated that the hospital won’t accord any help, one won’t get treated, claims of SHA not working and that the ICT department of the health scheme has informed them that the systems are down. However what shocks them is that, when one pays money to the system it gets received
with no delays.
Diana confirmed that while registering for SHA she was asked to pay six months upfront yet no service delivery when she needs it dearly.
“I have walked from KNH gone to SHA House,they are saying systems are down,yet when one pays money it is received,when you register for SHA you are told to pay six months upfront, so many claims of SHA not working and OTP hasn’t been sent for approval of treatment with the cover,” Diana asserted while frustrated.
Such cases of Diana and many patients have been seen and reported since the inception of SHA and the Taifa Care roll out that is still ongoing in different parts of the country.
The Ministry of health reports claim that over 7,900 facilities have signed manual contracts with SHA while 2,602 have completed e-contracting and 1,753 are finalizing the process which the ministry has confirmed as the reason for delays in reimbursement due to incomplete details in registration.
Hospitals have claimed that it is because of delay in reimbursement while patients claiming delay in treatment yet they are registered.
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