Home Education KNEC Opens Portal for Registration of 2025 KCSE July Series, Who is Eligible?
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KNEC Opens Portal for Registration of 2025 KCSE July Series, Who is Eligible?

Education officials in a school accessing the exams in KCSE 2024. //Photo: Ministry of Education//

Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has officially opened its portal for the registration of the new 2025 July Kenya Certificate of  Secondary Education (KCSE).

Speaking at Mtihani House on Monday KNEC CEO David Njengere said the portal is open for candidates eligible to re-sit the exams, will be required to pay the registration fee of KSh 7,200.

He further stated that the registration will be successful, when a candidate successfully pays the registration fee, which is paid through e-citizen platform.

“Please note that fee payment is mandatory for successful registration,” Njengere said.

KNEC circular on eligibility shared on Monday, January 27, showcases the case of Kenyans eligible to re-sit for the KCSE in the month of July, a first in the education system giving chance to students who missed their national exams on various circumstances.

According to KNEC, one is not eligible to sit for the new series if; he or she is attending a regular school, sitting the KCSE for the first time, and learners who do not meet the requisite qualifications as stipulated in the KNEC Regulations of KCSE examination candidates.

According to the ministry, new education program seeks to give a second chance to candidates who did not perform to their expectations in the previous years, to improve their performances. This includes full repeaters registering for seven or more subjects or partial repeaters registering for less than seven subject.

Further requirements outline by KNEC to candidates include: provision of national identification card (ID), Birth certificate or a passport, Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) certificate. For repeaters, one will be required to produce result slip of the previous KCSE exams, and a passport photograph of the candidate.

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The council has also set aside specific centers by County Directors of Education (CDEs), where candidates will be required to produce proof of qualification, to be allowed into the examination centers.

For project-based subjects, candidates must provide information on the sub-county where their projects will be conducted and visit the respective Sub-County Directors of Education (CDEs) after registration to be assigned centers.

In the 2024 KCSE, giving education a second chance, a seating MCA David Kimeli Letting from Kipkenyo Ward in Kapseret Constituency, Uasin Gishu County celebrated his milestone of honesty in pursuit for education.

Kimeli scored a D+ in the exams, terming it as an honesty milestone to greatness, as he hosted a party to mark the journey.


Written by
Sefu Sabila -

Sefu Sabila is Current Affairs and Political Editor, with more than 4 years of experience. A two time MCK Grant winner in Development Stories and passionate on Human Interest Stories.

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